We live in a society that is in a constant demand to keep up with technology. What happened to old school libraries and card catalogs? Do people still go to dark, grungy, smelling libraries?
The Daily News' article Libraries launch apps to sync with iPod generation, discusses how libraries have updated and how they use social media to stay relevant to today's publics. How are they doing it? Libraries are tweeting, texting, and creating apps, seeing that people today usually have smart phones like Blackberry, and iPhones attached to them as another limb. They are using these forms of technology to inform people of past due books and also to inform people of the opportunity for free music downloads available to them.
The article also discusses immerging sites such as Goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/) which is basically an online book club but with the capability of social media. You are able to get the books you like and it also keeps track of the books you read over the year.
In Preston. N.J., there is a waiting list for people to try out the Kindle. That's pretty innovative on the part of libraries to now have Kindles. It all comes back to technology. By staying up-to-date and "keeping up with the Jones" they are building back the popularity that once existed for libraries.
Pretty remarkable for the pr person that sat down and strategized ways to bring back people to the library. Kudos to them!
I have noticed the library in my home-town has been completely renovated...on the outside at least. I wonder what it looks like on the inside. I don't think I've been there since I was 10!
Article available at: http://www.dailynews.com/ci_16207220
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