Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do libraries antiquate old school? Or have libraries upgraded?

  We live in a society that is in a constant demand to keep up with technology.  What happened to old school libraries and card catalogs?  Do people still go to dark, grungy, smelling libraries?

  The Daily News' article Libraries launch apps to sync with iPod generation, discusses how libraries have updated and how they use social media to stay relevant to today's publics.  How are they doing it? Libraries are tweeting, texting, and creating apps, seeing that people today usually have smart phones like Blackberry, and iPhones attached to them as another limb.  They are using these forms of technology to inform people of past due books and also to inform people of the opportunity for free music downloads available to them. 

  The article also discusses immerging sites such as Goodreads ( which is basically an online book club but with the capability of social media.  You are able to get the books you like and it also keeps track of the books you read over the year.      

  In Preston. N.J., there is a waiting list for people to try out the Kindle.  That's pretty innovative on the part of libraries to now have Kindles.  It all comes back to technology.  By staying up-to-date and "keeping up with the Jones" they are building back the popularity that once existed for libraries.  

  Pretty remarkable for the pr person that sat down and strategized ways to bring back people to the library.  Kudos to them!

  I have noticed the library in my home-town has been completely renovated...on the outside at least.  I wonder what it looks like on the inside.  I don't think I've been there since I was 10!     

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ethics...does it exist today in public relations?

As we devle farther into each week's material it is clear that ethics is a fundamental aspect in the field...or atleast in studies it is.  In reviewing various business crises I posed a question whether or not ethics exists or is it a matter of do what you have to do? Or is it becoming easier to find ways around it?

  The recent case I reviewed was the Johnson and Johnson crisis with the subdivision McNeil.  Time and time again J&J had the opportunity to act ethically and do what was right for it's consumers yet that was not the case.  J&J's credo claims "to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first." In my opinion people-J&J's consumers took a back seat to sales and production.  J&J was behaving in respects to a utilitartian code of ethics, whic is the end justifies the mean.  J&J had hopes that they could trick consumers and basically be sly and go behind our backs to conduct their own phantom recalls.  They were looking for an easy way out.  Is this something one of America's iconic, trusted brands does?  Do they believe in ethics?

(Check out the various accounts the FDA had with J&J and McNeil at

  Bill Weldon, current CEO was quoted in Fortune as saying "Given the conditions that we're working with today, I think we've responded in probably the most responsible way any company could've responded (Fortune)."  "...the most responsible way....," I think not! What about your ethics? What does he have to say about a phantom recall?  Does he believe that it is okay to lie to his consumers that have stood by the brand?   

  J&J's crisis still has more pages to fill so I guess we'll see if the end truly justtified the means.  Is it worth it to to be unethical and break trusts that are so hard to build?  Once people have lost faith in your brand and reputation, it is near impossible to get those same consumers back.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

2010 Pepsi Max Campaign ( "Zero Calories-Same Pepsi Taste")

  In the last few weeks I have been involved in promoting Pepsi Max.  In doing so, Pepsi is using this time of year, football season, as their platform.  Pepsi is conducting a splurge of events!  Last Sunday, I was able to promote at the New Meadowlands Stadium for their opening day...madness! Considering the amount of commercials that are made specifically for Super Bowl...what better place to promote the product itself then at a game? "NFL and the Super Bowl is just, absolutely, the best stage to get our zero-calorie message out for Pepsi   Max. We are restaging the Pepsi Max brand and putting a tremendous amount of resources behind it, and   we couldn't think of a better place to get that message out," said Jill Beraud, chief marketing officer,   PepsiCo Beverages Americas. " (
  I chose this particular subject because in reviewing how to do a research project, I thought that Pepsi was in a way conducting their own research project that would generate sales for Pepsi Max.  Pepsi Max isn't a new product on the market.  In fact, it has been out for several years, but their thoughts to promote it is because they have created a new look for the product along with a new logo.  
  It is interesting to see the material being applied to "real life."  My job in the promotion is involved with the population and sampling portion of a research project.  In choosing football as their platform, Pepsi has decided that people who watch football or go to football games are the people in which they desire to study(or sell to).  Part of my job is to spread the "Zero calorie, same Pepsi taste" message to the publics at the game.  I also distribute free samples and other miscellaneous items (i.e. shirts). 
  I'm interested to see how this stage of the process can lead to analysis.  How does Pepsi move forward? What do they look at after this launch?  What kind of measures do they have intact to see if it was a successful campaign? 

  This Sunday will be another telling event for how Pepsi is doing.  Give it a shot-"Zero Calories, same Pepsi taste!"  

  Let's Go Giants!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


  Welcome to "PR In My Mind" by yours truly Christine.  I'm a recent graduate of Iona College with my B.A. in communications, specifically public relations.  Currently I'm at Quinnipiac University for my M.S. in public relations.  I'm looking forward to gaining a better grasp on the industry and how to implement the various tools and techniques to further my career.

  At this very moment I'm unsure of exactly what I'd like to do in public relations however, I would like it to pertain to my interests in fashion, entertainment, and/or sports.

  Here's to the endless possibilities and where the future may bring me! CHEERS!